Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Arthur and Fay Cox, New Mexico

It is hard to stay away from home even when you are traveling. We stopped in Cabello, NM to visit with Arthur and Fay Cox and received an invitation to stay for dinner. Arthur had been out prospecting on his gold claim all day and arrived at the same time we did. Everyone knows that Fay is an excellent cook and in no time she whipped up a good-ole' fashion homemade dinner of country ham, fresh baked biscuits, ham gravy, apple sauce and apple butter. This apple butter was something special. It had been canned by the Mt. Vale Church in Galax and the Coxes carried it with them to New Mexico. A taste of home away from home.

We had a pleasant visit learning about Arthur's gold mine claim that he works on a regular basis and Fay's painting lessons. They even showed us the local sights at Ladder Ranch, the sun set and we met some of their local friends.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know why Arthur and Fay Cox carried apple butter from Mt. Vale Church in Galax, VA to Cabello, NM; it is VERY, VERRRRRRRY good! The only better that I've ever had was Frank's Wormy Apple Butter, made by this blogmaster himself!